Choose Impact, Choose Compassion

Choose Your Impact: Select causes aligned with your passion and values. Your donation, big or small, becomes a catalyst for meaningful change.

Feel the Joy of Giving: Experience the profound joy that comes with making a positive impact. Your contribution is not just a donation; it's a gift of hope and transformation
Unleash Positive Ripples: Watch as your support creates ripples of positive change, touching lives and communities. Your generosity becomes a force for good in the world.
Beyond Transactions: This is more than just giving; it's an investment in a brighter future. Each donation builds bridges and nurtures a compassionate global community.

Benefits of Giving, A Cycle of Happiness

Personal Fulfilment: Giving stimulates positive emotions, reducing stress, and fostering gratitude. Experience the joy that comes from knowing you've made a difference.

Connect with Others: Join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about creating a better world. Your contribution adds to the collective impact of compassion.

Importance of Charity, Transformative Impact

Charity is a beacon of hope:  Uniting communities and fostering a spirit of shared humanity. Beyond societal benefits, giving enhances personal growth, instils responsibility, and creates a ripple effect of kindness. Embrace the transformative power of charity—for yourself and the world.

Empower Change
"Your Donation Matters"

partner with us in shaping lives

GAASH Welfare Foundation is very transparent with its spends.
Note: All Donation to GAASH Welfare Foundation are covered under CSR Rules, Companies Act, 2013

All donations made to GAASH Welfare Foundation are eligible for tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.(applied for)
GAASH Welfare Foundation, based on the need on the ground, will allocate resources to areas that need funds the most.


Account Name: GAASH Welfare Foundation


Account Number: 252905001347

IFSC code. ICIC0002529